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Saturday, August 5, 2017

Black Souls

Search the mystery.
No need to be afraid.
Look deeply.
Soar through the layer,
soar through the label,
and soar through the last.

There you will find
an ever-winding maze
of colorful forms who range
from light to dark
filled with steel drums
and rhythm, or in some
filled with soft strings, gliding keys,
or sweet sounds of air.
In each corner,
you will hear several tablespoons
of flavor in words
and you will hear genius-intelligence
conversing and teaching
about nature's song,
about the society's bitter spice
that needs to be exchange
for the sweeter and spicy
season that was a dream  
from their ancestors.
Keep walking
and you will smell hard-earned
sweat seeping from their
minds, heart, hands, legs,
and most important their souls.
Easy they hate.
But Challenge is their first love.

I promise you.
You will be lost
in this complicated,
and constant-going
Your previous knowledge
about what this perplex
artifact contains
will erase.

So this is an invitation,
come and soar through this beautiful blackness.

"A Journey in this Complicated and Constant-Going Maze"-Tina-: March's Blues

"A Journey in this Complicated and Constant-Going Maze"-Tina-: March's Blues : Painting Created by Tina                    ...